Friday, February 28, 2014

Switching to Root without Root Password

Hello Linux geeks, today I would like to share one trick with you that will always help you out when you need root access but you don't have it's password. Here I am considering that you know basic stuffs about root, administrator and normal user access/permissions. To get root access you know at least the administrator password, because this is not a hacking it's a ethical trick. So just follow the following basic steps to gain root access.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kumbhthon II

On the day of 23 of February of 2014 Kubhthon community arranged an meting. For process of project development. To know about Kumbhthon  please follow link Kumbhthon I. "Mr. Rajesh nair" is guest for second meet-up. He has started national level project competition that is "TECH-TOP". He works in the MIT lab. On the day of meting with mr. Nair, he firstly understood that what is kumbhthon and why it is started. Meeting is arranged in "Sandip Foundation". Mr. Nair sir said that explain about your project in only 2-3 minutes. So we are get confused how to explain about project in 2-3 minutes. Nair sir guided us to what should we have to explain about respective project. Mr. Nair sir suggested some of the questions are listed below. Try to answer this question about your project. So the one member from each group is on the dice for answering these questions. 

Also Mr. Nair sir explained about how to start your own business with the same project. depending upon all of these points sir suggested some question. If we are able to answer these questions then it is possible to start business. 
Questions are:
  1. What is the problem do you want to solve?
  2. Who faces these problems?
  3. Who will get beneficial from our project?
  4. Who decides?
  5. Who pays?
  6. How to develop?
  7. What are the resources required?
  8. How you will reach to customer? 

From our group Mr. Wasif is on dice, he explained all of the things regarding our project. Mr. Nair suggested some of the changes in our process of development. Also one thing that sir says repeatedly is your meetings are necessary for successful project development. 
Sir also suggested that find your project stakeholders such as: visitors, government, local businesses, transports, Health, NGO, media, trusts etc. 
This session is completely brainstorm session. we have learned lot much of things from mr. Nair sir.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Shared Memory between Bluestacks and Windows

Hii friends, I would like to share something which may be helpful to you. As everybody know about the Bluestacks (famous Android Emulator for Windows). Most of our friends may be facing the problem of sharing files between Bluestacks and our hard disks. So lets see the method of exchanging files:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Button OnClick Event Handling In Android Using XML file

Hi friends it is observed that sometimes it observed that may of the events occur at button click, so in java we use OnClickListener to handle these events. As android uses java it also uses the similar syntax. Due to this the size of code increases so we can make proper use the .xml file provided to us where we can connect all the attributes of the layout as we need.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Create simple application in Android to send SMS

Hello friends, today we will learn to create simple application (app) in Android for sending SMS.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Router Configuration Using Cisco PacketTracer

Hello network geeks, today I would like to share something about networking so i am going to discuss about router configuration using PacketTracer. To show demo I used PacketTracer 5.3.3. If you have old version then update it. I am considering that you have basic knowledge of PacketTracer. Just follow the following steps t configure routers.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Permissions in Linux

Hello friends in this blog post I am discussing about permissions in Linux system. We have faced more time problem of reading, writing, and executing problems because of permissions. That is the owner of the particular file sets the permission who can read, write and execute it. In this blog we are just understanding how combinations of permissions to file or directory. In Linux there is only one root and other are administrators and normal user who having limited access or permissions. root user having complete authority to operate Linux system who is highest authority in Linux system. Administrator have also highest authority but not much authority like root user.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Run JSP Programs in Linux

Hello friends, it is observed there are many ways of decorating the websites. Many different languages are integrated with in each other to make the application more reliable as compared to other applicatons. This also is the case with the internet, where people want fast access to their data in a more easy amd convient way.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Learn how to make simple login form (front-end) using HTML and PHP programming languages

Hi friends today we will see about how to make simple log in form using PHP, where there is no database connectivity is present.

How to record screen activity in windows 7 with free software tool

Hello all , this article is dedicated for making a screen capturing activity as well as snapping current window screen situations in windows 7.

Name of this software tool is "Free Screen Video Recorder". While pursuing this software tool settings are supposed to be done prier then recording a video.Default Quality is low i.e. Microsoft Video ,but best thing would be going for "Cinepak Codec by Radius". okay, let's take it from the top.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Service Command in Linux

Services are the daemon programs that run behind without an associated console. So we can't control these daemon services through some GUI. For these daemon services, the command service is useful to control them. The service command controls the Starting, Stopping and Restarting of services.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fine Grained Password Policy

Hey friends, today we all will deal with the one of the new concepts called as Fine Grained Password Policy, abbreviated as “FGPP”.
This concept is mostly used in server 2k8. We cannot assign multiple password policies on different OU within a domain. The default password policy will always override any other password policy one may try to create in different GPO and different level of linking, no matter what one can do, force the policy, block inheritance, even remove the password configuration in the default domain policy or set it to not configured.

Function of Fine Grained Policy Feature:

You can use fine-grained password policies to specify multiple password policies in a single domain and apply different restrictions for password and account lockout policies to different sets of users in a domain.

Ways to configure Fine Grained policy:

For implementing fine-grained password policies we need to perform the following steps but first we need to define the following requirements.

Enforce password history
number of passwords to remember
Maximum password age
number of days before a password expires
Minimum password age
minimum number of days a password should not be changeable
Minimum password length
length of password
Passwords must meet complexity requirements
Enable/Disable whether password should be complex or not
Account lockout duration
Amount of time in minutes
Account lockout threshold
Amount of time in minutes
Reset account lockout counter after
Amount of time in minutes

Follow the below mentioned steps for applying the fine grained policy

         Log on to domain controllers, open ADSI Edit snap-in
  • In Start -> select Run option -> type MMC.
  • Then in File menu, select Add/Remove Snap-in.
  • Select ADSI Edit, -> click on Add -> click OK.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Every one like to watch videos, movies and other stuffs and youtube is the place from where you can get all this things with multiple format choices. But when it's comes to mobile phones then many people faces problem regarding downloading and other things. We always get slow downloading speed when we download the videos from youtube. So to solve this problem I am suggesting a android application which will definitely speedup the downloading speed and it's also ask the format, that is on which format do you want to download your videos. Tubemate is an application that helps you to download as well as watch live video streaming on your android phones. For 2G net connection it's gives max 8-240kbps speed and for 3G net connection it gives max 200kbps-4mbps speed for downloading, so guys you can think how much it is useful for us.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Kumbhthon is an technical event organized in Sandip Institute of technology and research centre, mahiravni Nashik. This event is organized by Mr Sunil Khandbahale, Mr Ramesh Raskar, Mr Pachorkar and also there are many more people are involved in organizing the Kumbhthon. This event is an workshop for  72 hours. that is all the participant are in the institute for entire 72 hours. The main intention of organizing such event is developing project for the event will organized in the year 2015. This event is called " KUMBHMELA ".

Government has been done survey that in this event near about 2 millions of people would come. Kumbhmela happens once in 12 years. At the previous kumbhmela people coming to kumbh are faced lot much of problems like accommodation, transport etc. So to take over these problems above stated people take initiative to solve these problem. Kumbhthon organizers are from technical background so they knows that these problems can be solved with the use of technology and they decided to conduct an technical workshop to solve these problems by implementing projects. They invited lot of people from outside and inside of country as mentor for developing project so they will guide participant to implement their project ideas. Following listed persons are mentors invited to kumbhthon:
  1. John Werner, Innovator, MIT Media Lab
  2. Teppo Jouttenus - EdX (Harvard and MIT)
  3. MJ Jouttenus - Language Innovator
  4. Gautam Morey - Grassroots Entrepreneur
  5. Bal Mahale - head of World Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal
  6. Aravind Chinchure - Reliance Labs
  7. Kshitij Marwah - MIT Media Lab India Initiator
  8. Pete Bell, Entrepreneur
  9. Subhash Patil, MKCL
  10. Bruce Hecht, Analog Devices
  11. Dr. John MacDonald - MIT Sloan
  12. Athanasios Athanassiadis - MIT
  13. Nilesh Salgaonkar - Teknocrat’s       
  14. and many more
In this technical event thousands of participant submitted their ideas, from them hundred participant are selected for 3 days event kumbhthon.

In the first day of event 25 project teams are formed and guest session is conducted after this. As per my experience It was really nice experience to be part of this workshop. My team is working on project online registration for kumbhmela. You would not believe that each participant of that event is acts as like nut's of invetor. because everyone is continuously working from 9:00 am to 1:am every day. At the end of workshop 12 projects are selected for further development. My team continuously focusing on the problem "CROUD MANAGEMENT". My team members are:
  1. Borade Vaishali
  2. Ghosh Kabita
  3. Joshi Puja
  4. Mirza Wasif
  5. Patil Mayur
  6. Wagh Ravikumar 
So I think that it is most effective way to make invention.